bioloom group – Useful Links
General Bionics
The Bionik-Kompetenz-Netz is a network of German bionics centers and bionics initiatives.
Translation Automation / Machine Translation
EAMT is the European organization for all aspects of Machine Translation. Its counterpart for North and South America is hosted in the U.S.A (AMTA), and the Asian counterpart is currently hosted in Korea (AAMT). These three organizations are jointly associated in the IAMT.
Within TAUS (Translation Automation User Society) different user groups are organized that deploy translation automation in large, medium and small enterprises. In addition, TAUS has set up the TAUS Data Association (TDA) for the mutual exchange of translation memory content and glossaries. Members of TDA are besides large companies such as Cisco, Dell, eBay, Microsoft, Oracle und Sun (meanwhile part of Oracle) also medium and small companies as well as Language Service Providers and Translation Agencies, and the Language Services of the European Commission and the European Parliament.
With the employment of statistical methods in translation automation and the diffusion of web-scale translation services of, for example, Google and Microsoft that are based on these methods, Machine Translation again has become a major research theme of the European Commission. The open-source project Moses serves as an excellent information point on the methodology and the applications of Statistical Machine Translation (SMT).
Globalization, Internationalization, Localization and Translation (GILT)
The oldest organization that deals with all GILT aspects in trade, industry and science is LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association), which, however, has closed its services in February 2011 after almost 20 years of operation.
The LISA developed and maintained standards (LISA-OSCAR) for the content exchange of, for example, translation memories and term databases will be further maintained by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in close collaboration with GALA, which has also started a Standardization Intiative.
The Localization Institute organizes conferences, seminars und congresses around GILT, e.g. the Localization World conference.
GILT Research and Future
GILT research is conducted at the Localisation Research Center (LRC) of the University of Limerick in Ireland. In Dublin associated with Dublin City University (DCU) is the Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL), which works in public-private collaborations on the next generation of the localization evolution.
Language Technology, Language Proofing and Language Governance
For the German and English speaking areas there are two well-known companies Acrolinx GmbH in Berlin und IAI in Saarbrücken. Both companies belong to the leading institutions in the fields of language engineering and language technology. Acrolinx develops and markets the IQ Suite (Information Quality) and IAI the software tool CLAT (Controlled Language Authoring Technology). Meanwhile CLAT is the language technology engine of the joint venture company Congree GmbH of IAI and Across Systems in Karlsbad.
Language Goverance is a quite new branch in the field of proofing and controlling language guidelines and rules, which is based on combining semantic technologies and natural language processing techniques. The deployment areas arrange from modelling and management of business processes to the forensic analytics of translingual communications content.
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