bioloom group – About us
bioloom group is an internationally operating interdisciplinary organization and a network of independent information and knowledge architects working in such diverse fields as information and communication technologies, life and health sciences, and bioinformatics.
Our mission is to make good use of Semantic Technologies to succeed in dealing with current societal, economical and technological demands and requirements in enterprise communication and collaboration by supplying scientific methodologies, technological frameworks, and real-life applications that are necessary to evolve Semantics as an effective integral and transparent component part of information systems and business processes.
In 2001, bioloom group was founded by Prof. Dr. Jörg Schütz to foster and to support independent, sustainable leading edge research and development inspired by information bionics (see brief bioloom group history).
Our customer base that we serve as ICT consultants and technology experts constitutes well-known national and international industrial organizations and research institutions. In addition, we are working on the design and the development of the next generation intelligent computing technologies for translingual and transcultural communication.
We offer you:
Innovation and technology consultancy with focus on service orientation and networked companies ("Connected Enterprise").
Customized solutions for agile and intelligent process, information and knowledge management ("Ambient Process Intelligence").
Efficient deployment of Semantic Technologies and probabilistic methods in different knowledge intensive applications. This also includes aspects of effective (written) language quality proofing for corporate communication, and employing Machine Translation for globalization, internationalization, localization, and translation ("Corporate Language Management").
You benefit from:
Long executive and research experience with a broad spectrum of technological know-how and well-grounded expertise in the development and introduction of complex systems based on well established industry standards and recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Newest methods from Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Technologies and Machine Learning.
Innovative solutions based on Information Bionics.
Start the dialogue with us: dialog(at)bioloom(dot)de