bioloom group – News and Press
February 2015
Paige Williams, Director of Global Readiness, Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft, will deliver the keynote at the 8th W3C Multilingual Web Workshop in Riga (see also below).
The Deadline for submitting presentation proposals for the FEISGILTT 2015 has been extended until Feb 18, 2015. This 4th FEISGILTT is part of the Localization World Conference in Berlin June 2-3, 2015.
January 2015
Don't forget to register for the 8th Multilingual Web Workshop of W3C. This Workshop is part of the Riga Summit 2015 that takes place from April 27-29, 2015.
The members of the OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC have requested that OASIS submit the XLIFF Version 2.0 standard to the ISO Technical Committee 37 as a submission for approval as a proposed International Standard. To actually happen, there is a 30 days public review (starting Jan 19, 2015 and ending Feb 17, 2015) for OASIS members to comment on the proposal.
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