bioloom group – News and Press
December 2012
On January 24, 2013 META (Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance) organizes the first German Language Technology Day in Berlin. Besides the introduction of the research agenda for a multilingual Europe 2020, representatives of research, industry, and politics will present as well as project and product demonstrations will take place (announcement in German only).
On Dec 6 the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 "last call" working draft was published by the W3C. "Last call" means that the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT working group, which is developing ITS 2.0, assumes that the work is feature complete, and now asks the general public for your feedback on the work.
November 2012
Don't forget to register and submit a presentation proposal for the 6th MultilingualWeb W3C Workshop on March 12-13, 2013 hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome.
October 2012
A month with conferences, summits, workshops... and bioloom group presentations and attendance at OASIS XLIFF TC Meeting, FEISGILTT 2012 and Localization World in Seattle as well as Tekom/TcWorld in Wiesbaden (see also the announcements in previous months).
Start of the university winter lectures 2012/13 (German only).
September 2012
Initial call for participation of the 6th Multilingual Web W3C Workshop in Rome (aka second MLW-LT Workshop) published.
“RESTful Solutions for Localization Interoperability Concerns” presentation proposal accepted for FEISGILTT 2012 in Seattle, Washington, October 16-17, 2012. FEISGILTT 2012 is colocated with Localization World.
Lecture (Seminar) on „Der Begriff ‘Qualität’ in der Translation” — Subjektiv, Objektiv, Praxisgerecht” at the University of the Saarland in Wintersemester 2012/2013 just published (German only).
August 2012
“Web Services for the Language Industry—The Interoperability Challenge” presentation proposal accepted for LRC XVII Conference in Limerick, Ireland, September 20-21, 2012.
July 2012
“Coalescing Linked (Open) Data and Multilingual Language Technologies” presentation proposal accepted for Localization World in Seattle, Washington, October 17-19, 2012.
And don't miss the Call for Papers of the first FEISGILTT conference colocated with Localization World in Seattle, Washington, October 16-17, 2012. Jörg said “YALA” (Yet Another Localization Acronym) when he first heard this name FEISGILTT, but read on at the link to learn more about its heritage...
June 2012
June 27: Webinar with and for Andrä AG about standards in the localisation and translation industry with a particular focus on interoperability requirements.
June 11-13: 5th W3C Workshop on the Multilingual Web (EU Project MultilingualWeb-LT) in Dublin.
May 2012
The program of the 5th W3C workshop on the Multilingual Web (1st workshop of the EU project MultilingualWeb-LT) in Dublin (11.-13. June 2012) is just published.
Extended deadline for the first MultilingualWeb-LT W3C Workshop in Dublin: May 09, 2012.
April 2012
Presentation on employing standards in automated translation management with Andrä AG at Tekom Frühjahrstagung (April 26-27, 2012) in Karlsruhe.
Call for Participation of the first MultilingualWeb-LT W3C Workshop on "Linked Open Data and MultilingualWeb-LT Requirements" just published (registration deadline: May 02, 2012).
March 2012
After yet another successful 4th W3C Workshop of the EU Project MultilingualWeb in Luxembourg the follow-up project MultilingualWeb-LT (Language Technology), which deals with implementation, automation and different meta data aspects, has started. This project is part of the W3C Internationalisation Activity and the MultilingualWeb Community.
February 2012
The program of the 4th W3C Workshop of the EU project MultilingualWeb in Luxembourg (15.-16. March 2012) is published. There are only some few days left for registration (Deadline: March 5, 2012)
January 2012
The Interoperability Now! initiative publishes a new version of their XLIFF Document Representation Guide (link points to the PDF document at Google Code).
Call for Participation of the fourth W3C Workshop of the MultilingualWeb EU project in Luxembourg.
Presentation proposal with Andrä AG “Die neuen Standards wirksam im automatisierten Translationsmanagement einsetzen” accepted for Tekom Frühjahrstagung in Karlsruhe.