bioloom group – News and Press
December 2013
Read bioloom's contribution to the discussion of the TAUS "Big Idea" for the Human Language Project.
The W3C has announced the seventh MultilingualWeb workshop in the series of events exploring the mechanisms and processes needed to ensure that the World Wide Web lives up to its potential around the world and across barriers of language and culture. The theme of this workshop is "New Horizons for the Multilingual Web." See the Call for Participation at http://multilingualweb.eu/documents/2014-madrid-workshop/2014-madrid-cfp and register online at https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/2014mlw/.
November 2013
The Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation
"The field of established standards and guidelines for creating, processing, and maintaining multilingual content is quite fragmented. This situation causes that we have to invest in significant resources to adapt content for foreign markets. ITS 2.0 (http://www.w3.org/TR/its20/) provides broadly accepted meta-data categories and representation rules that enable various language technologies from content management systems to automated translation tools to work together seamlessly in order to reduce the investments associated with reaching international audiences in their genuine languages." (Prof. Schütz, W3C Invited Expert)
October 2013
Winter Semester starts at Saarland University. Join the proseminar of Prof. Schütz on Evaluating Automated Translation.
September 2013
Evaluation of the recently published TAUS Translation API version 1.2 within the public consultation phase. The bioloom group report is already available on request, and will be released to the general public very soon.
The second public review draft of XLIFF 2.0 has by been published by OASIS.
Tutorial at MT Summit XIV on Linport and Interoperability Now! in Nice, France.
August 2013
Third Last Call of W3C started for the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0. This Last Call was necessary because section "Conversion to NIF" (RDF representation of ITS tagged HTML and XML documents) was re-categorized from normative to non-normative. The Last Call period for public feedback ends on September 10, 2013.
July 2013
The Summer Semester at Saarland University is ending, and the Winter Semester will bring an exciting proseminar on Evaluating Automated Translation presented by Prof. Schütz.
June 2013
Presentation proposal "Globalising Corporate Language Management—CLM meets MT in the Cloud" accepted for the LRC X8 Conference in Limerick (September 23-25, 2013).
May 2013
The W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group has published a second Last Call Working Draft of the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0. ITS 2.0 supports information integration into core Web technologies by providing metadata to better facilitate the adoption of the multilingual Web. The new draft reflects all changes since the first last call publication in December 2012. Comments are welcome through June 11, 2013.
April 2013
Presentation proposals "Notes from the XLIFF Underground: 'Elements of Style' for Language Interoperability" and "Corporate Language Audits Enabling Dynamic Localization Concerns" accepted for the 4th XLIFF Symposium and the ITS Track of FEISGILTT 2013 in London (June 11-12, 2013). FEISGILTT is again co-located with the localization conference Localization World as it as been the case in 2012 in Seattle.
On April 11, a new W3C Working Draft of the ITS (Internationalization Tag Set) Version 2.0 has been published at http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-its20-20130411/.
March 2013
Tutorial proposal on localization and translation standards together with Prof. Alan Melby of Brigham Young University accepted for the forthcoming Machine Translation Summit XIV (September 2-6, 2013 in Nizza, France).
Participation and presentation at the 6th MultilingualWeb W3C Workshop in Rome, Italy on March 12-13, 2013.
On March 1st, the Interoperability-Now! working results — XLIFF:doc Representation Guide 1.0, and TIPP 1.5 — have been officially published. They are available for download at the IN! Project Website.
February 2013
The Interoperability-Now! initiative is finalizing the specifications for XLIFF:doc and TIPP. These specifications will be the foundation for a standardization process through the Linport project. The members of the IN! initiative will actively support this process and the further developments of Linport such as, for example, the Linport Data Model.
Joint presentation proposal "Going Global with Mobile App Development: Enabling the Connected Enterprise" of Jörg Schütz, bioloom group, and Jan Nelson, Microsoft Corporation, accepted for the 6th MultilingualWeb W3C Workshop in Rome, Italy on March 12-13, 2013.
Important: Workshop registration is open until March 08, 2013.
January 2013
On January 24, META (Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance) organizes the first German Language Technology Day in Berlin. Besides the introduction of the research agenda for a multilingual Europe 2020, representatives of research, industry, and politics will present as well as project and product demonstrations will take place (announcement in German only). A preliminary program has been published.
On Dec 6 the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 "last call" working draft was published by the W3C. "Last call" means that the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT working group, which is developing ITS 2.0, assumes that the work is feature complete, and now asks the general public for your feedback on the work. Feedback can be given until January 18, 2013 (the deadline has been extended).
Don't forget to register and submit a presentation proposal for the 6th MultilingualWeb W3C Workshop on March 12-13, 2013 hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome. At this event Mark Davis and Vladimir Weinstein from Google will deliver the keynote entitled “Innovations in Internationalization at Google.”