bioloom group – Archive: News and Press
December 2009 – Presentation proposal “Internationalization Meets Semantic Technologies” by Andrä AG and bioloom group accepted for Worldware Conference in Santa Clara, California (March 16-18, 2010).
November 2009 – ASLIB Presentation in London (see August 2009) receives very positive feedback.
October 2009 – bioloom group participates in the FP7 Thematic Network "Multilingual Web" of the European Commission's CIP Policy Support Programme (PSP). The project is coordinated by the Internationalization Group of the W3C, and has partners from industry and academia. More information and news on this exciting project will follow soon.
September 2009 – The MT Summit XII Paper of Andrä AG and bioloom group “MT Bazaar: Translation Ecosystems in the Cloud” is ready for download from the Machine Translation Archive.
August 2009 – Andrä AG and bioloom group jointly discuss various emerging language ecosystems with new collaborative approaches and business models based on cloud computing technology platforms at the ASLIB Conference “Translating and the Computer” (November 19-20, 2009) in London. The presentation title is “Cloud Computing in GILT Ecosystems and Evolution”.
July 2009 – Together with Andrä AG bioloom group presents at the forthcoming MT Summit XII (August 26-30,&nsbsp;2009) in Ottawa on “MT Bazaar: Translation Ecosystems in the Cloud”.
June 2009 – bioloom group was appointed as an "Institutional Member" of FLaReNet (Fostering Language Resources Network) by the network's Steering Committee. The international network develops and consolidates the futures and strategies of the important GILT sectors language resources and language technologies for the coming years, and is supported by the EU under the eContentPlus programme.
April 2009 – Lecture on Translation Industry started on April 24. The lecture has a particular focus on translation automation und GILT workflows (Globalization, Internationalization, Localization and Translation).
March 2009 – bioloom group supports MT Summit XII Workshop on "Linguistic pre-processing for MT".
January 2009 – bioloom group presents at the Language Technology Days of the European Commission in Luxembourg (Jan. 14.-15., 2009).