bioloom group – News and Press
December 2010 – Anniversary preparations for “10 years bioloom group” have started.
November 2010 – Publication of the results of the first very successfull MultilingualWeb Workshop in Madrid.
October 2010 – The Program of the first MultilingualWeb Workshop in Madrid is just published.
September 2010 – Paper presentation at the forthcoming (November 18-19) ASLIB “Translating and the Computer” Conference with the title “Managing Translingual BPM Repository Content”.
August 2010 – Poster presentation at the 1. XLIFF Symposium, and paper presentation as well as panel discussion at the LRC XV Conference in Limerick, Ireland.
July 2010 – Announcement of the First MultilingualWeb Workshop in Madrid, Spain (October 26-27, 2010).
AMTA 2010 presentation proposal “Effectual MT within a Translation Workflow Panopticon” with ONTRAM Inc. for Denver, Colorado, accepted.
June 2010 – Official Kick-off meeting of the EU project MultilingualWeb in Bucharest, Romania.
Mai 2010 – EAMT 2010 presentation in Saint Raphaël, France. The conference paper and the presentation slides can be downloaded at the MT Archive, or by the following direct links: paper and presentation slides.
April 2010 – Presentation at the BITKOM Working Group Knowledge Management (AK KM) with the title “Bewusstseins-Upload im Unternehmen 2.0” (“Consciousness Upload in Enterprise 2.0”).
EAMT 2010 paper submission “Employing Machine Translation in Glocalization Tasks” with Andrä AG accepted for conference presentation.
March 2010 – Presentations “L(IC)T Roads Ahead” at the ontram+ Microconference “Sustainable Innovation in Language Technology” of Andrä AG, Hakone Garden, Saratoga, California and “Internationalization Meets Semantic Technologies” at Worldware Conference, Santa Clara, California.
Januar 2010 – Lecture on Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) at the University of the Saarland in summer 2010 bachelor courses (in German).